Ultrasonic output current calculation method and formula
Effective current*1.414*effective voltage*1.414=peak power
1. The current measured by current measuring instruments such as conventional ammeters are all effective values
2. The measured values of industrial AC voltmeters are all effective values
3. Ultrasonic output power is peak power, active power of unconventional electrical appliances
4. U (effective) = U (peak) ultrasonic cell disruptor with a root twice (1.414) (for the origin of the formula, please refer to the information about the peak voltage of alternating current)
5. I(effective)=I(peak value) of 2 times the root number (1.414)
Calculating formula of current peak value
The equation of alternating current is: i(t)=isin(ωt)
The upper limit of integral is t and the lower limit of integral is 0.
W=I*I*R*t i*i*R*[t/2-sin(2ωt)/(4ω)]=I*I*R*t
Get: I*I=i*i/2-i*i*sin(2ωt)/(4ωt)
When t tends to infinity,
Get: I=square root of i/2
(i represents the maximum value of the current, I represents the effective value of the current).
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